Charcoal Drawing

Charcoal 12"x9"
A beautiful girl looking to her future, and wonderful times to come.

A confession. I'm in a predicament. In short, I've injured my leg, and in a brace with crutches. There I said it. I'll add I'm confined to bed, as I'm unable to walk on that leg - so..oops.

I'm on the mend, and mind you - I'm optimistic. Awaiting news from my lovely Doctor - I've decided to use what time I have recuperating ~ doing what else but - drawing.

Life does go on~and I must draw.

charcoal on white drawing paper.


Anonymous said…
This is a beautiful drawing Dawn. Get well soon! :)
Anonymous said…
So sorry to hear of your accident! Slipping on a piece of charcoal and falling into an easel, wow, how much more artistic can you get! Get well soon, we miss you at drawing studio!!! Love and Cheer, Tonya
Ami Mehta Patel said…
Hi Dawn, my name is Ami Mehta; I'm an architect living in Houston. I was cruising around the net yesterday, looking for some inspiration--and I found it! Your work is gorgeous. I envy you for your natural gift and I admire you for your steady dedication. I'd like to ask you for permission to use your Tempest piece as an inspiration for some drawings I want to do--I'm a beginner and I don't know what my drawings will end up being, but I love the energy you created in that piece. Would you be willing to share your technique for the bursts and splashes of charcoal dust? If not, no worries, I understand. Just please let me know if you mind that I squint at your drawing occasionally while I work out something of my own! Thanks in advance and I hope your leg gets better very soon.
Thank you Duey, I appreciate it so much.
Tonya, I know! Can you believe it?! ;)I'll be back soon, skipping the whole way there! Love and hugs! ~D
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Dear Ami Mehta,
Thank you. Inspiration - you know it when you find it huh? It's a wonderful, thrilling feeling, I'm so happy you found that in my work. My first and foremost technique is Inspiration - It's in nature (as in Tempest), in life, in everything, everyone around us, we just have to look, feel, think, react. Is the story we are wanting to convey slow, fast, still, a flash of a moment..all of the above? There are so many things to ask yourself. This is your work remember, your story to tell. The funny thing is, there are people out there who don't believe in inspiration. That's what they say anyway. ;)I draw (no pun) on inspiration. It's key. Do draw for study of course. I had the opportunity to see your blog and your figure drawings. Lovely work. Keep drawing. Play, experiment. I was told once, draw, draw, draw, everything else will fall in line..just as my signature did. There's so much more to say, so much evolving to go thru - that's the coolest part of the whole process. What's going to happen next? Absolutely, visit often - that's why I created my blog, to share, interact with those who love art.

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