On my Easel: Charcoal Drawing on gessoed board

"La Belle"

She's complete. She's beautiful as she is..period.


Lucie G said…
I like this portrait very much. Bravo!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful work! This piece and the full figure "Storm" are my favorites. You're draughtswomanship is great; and I love the randomness of line and texture in the hair and negative space. -Gerry
Thank you Gerry, I love working in charcoal. Absolutely love it. And I'm glad these two are your favorites, they're two of mine as well :).

Thank you for stopping by!
Double "D" said…
Wandering aimlessly.
Dawn, this is just marvelous.
Eventually I will probably stop at
all your pieces and leave a comment.
Charcoal really excites me when it's done well.
Your talent reigns.

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