Oil On Canvas..Golden Hair

ok..this is the story, this particular model had an incredibly small head..and thats how i painted it the other day. but this afternoon, when i went to the easel it just didn't look right to me..so i repainted it. do you believe me? that's my story and i'm stickin' to it.

sometimes i just cannot paint, or draw..really what it was - was..i was sitting and painting (goofy leg still gives me probs), took her up to my big easel, and stood..ah ha..there..now and i could step back and see my problems..all of them..have a couple of other things to do to her and i'm done.



took photo outside..


Double "D" said…
Looks right to me.
I know I have to remember to get up and step back from my drawing board when painting watercolors.
Things get pretty weird without it.
Nice job.
Thank you Doug, sometimes I just let my leg get to me, had an acl replacement, meniscus operation back in march, and it still gets to me..so i sit once in a while. tho its compfy sitting for a while, i pay for it in painting. i'll be back to normal in a few months...that'll be boring huh? :)
Double "D" said…
Hi Dawn,

I just remembered something. During my illustration days, I used a reducing glass to avoid getting up all the time. I still have it, however it's the only one I've ever seen. It works pretty well, but stepping back is still the best. In your case, boring sounds like a major improvement. Hope you're as good as new soon.

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